Liam has a thing for rakes, brooms, and mops--
they offer hours of endless entertainment for him right now. |
Last week Liam and I returned home from a trip to Illinois to visit my family. For only having a few days, I think we made great use of our time. We were able to meet up with many family and friends and enjoyed our visit very much. I was most concerned about how I would manage flying alone with a 16-month-old, but I was well-prepared with snacks and entertainment for the plane and Liam handled his second plane trip like a pro. He's such a good-natured little guy and he takes most things--including traveling around with his mom for a few days--in stride! Aside from visiting friends and family, we managed to spend some time at the St. Louis Zoo and swing by SIUE to visit an old friend and professor of mine. Unbelievably, come May it will have been ten years since I graduated SIUE and moved to California, so it was nice to roam campus and remember what it was like to be an undergrad. A lot has changed for me in the last ten years!
With Liam being so young and my new position at work being more demanding, my trips home are few and far-between these days, but I'm thankful for the times I do make it back for a visit. I've posted a few of my favorite pictures from our trip below. Enjoy!
Liam with Grandma and Grandpa Myers at the St. Louis Zoo. |
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Liam and Mommy. |
Look at that hair! |
I call this one, "Big Monkey, Little Monkey." |
With Aunt Erin and Uncle Ethan. |
Liam absolutely loved riding the carousel at the zoo. |
Check out my new hat! |
With Great-Grandma Orsborn. |
It's tough being little. |
With Great-Grandma and Grandpa Myers. |
All of the Orsborn grandkids and great-grandkids
in the same place at the same time! |
Liam and Mommy at SIUE. |
Aunt Erin and Liam at SIUE. |