Monday, February 9

The Wheel: Life Made Easier

I started the past week out on a great note, having a very enjoyable lunch with my LACMA ladies. It made for a welcome timeout from running errands and doing my weekly chores. As always, my time off disappeared quickly and the work week arrived once more. On Thursday evening I attended a lecture at the Villa on Roman nude male statuary. This was a timely talk, given that I have recently started collecting research materials to plan a new adult gallery course on nudity in ancient art. I very much enjoyed the lecture, but in order to see it I was stuck at work until 7:30 p.m. That late start time gave me three extra hours at the office, since L.A. traffic (plus the rain) doesn't make it easy to run home and come back in that amount of time. I was glad I stayed, but that was a long day.

Of a much more boring nature but on the vital topic of making my life easier, I finally invested in an "Easy Wheels Jumbo Elite Shopping Cart" from Bed, Bath, and Beyond. Those of you who have a washer and dryer in your home, thank your ever-loving lucky stars, because that is a luxury I have been without for a decade now and would consider committing acts of violence to achieve. Living in university family housing, there is massive competition for washers all the time. So, when I schlep a basketful to the laundry room, I carry as much as I can (hopefully at least three washers' worth), plus the detergents. I used to take it for granted that carting laundry around was just the lot a city apartment-dweller had to accept. However, age and crankiness at such bull pucky have convinced me I'm entitled to bend and shape my environment to my supreme will. Thus, since it is unlikely I'll achieve the luxury of not having to haul clothes back and forth from a laundry room like a pack animal anytime soon, I got the "Easy Wheels" cart. What they charge for such a simple contraption is highway robbery--clearly, the merchants know the situation and adjusted the price accordingly to cash in on the discontent of laundry schleppers everywhere.

My Easy Wheels cart in front of the laundry room.
But, being determined that I should no longer suffer the weighty load of a overstuffed basket of laundry, I paid their price. I brought it home, Eric assembled it, and I loaded it up with laundry, ready for my usual Monday morning laundry detail. The cart is awesome. However, after I started a couple of loads this morning the sky decided to open up and rain heavily. Since I have to walk outside to get to the laundry room, the rain made things interesting. But, thanks to my new wheels, I was able to race through the rain a lot more efficiently. It doesn't really corner well--or at all, in fact--but I pop it up on its back wheels and it maneuvers just fine.

I know what you're thinking. "Did she really just write a post about a cart?" Yes. Yes, I did.

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  1. LOL! I didn't realize my washer and dryer were a luxury! ....I'll have to start treating them better! :) Congrats! on your new "wheels."

  2. In response to the wheel cart story, sometimes it pays to listen to your mother:) Maybe sooner than later next time! Love ya Mom

  3. Yes, Jenny, you should love your washer and dryer. Where would you be without them? :)

  4. Mom, I DID listen to you...eventually.

  5. I would like to see a picture of said laundry cart! - Jenn

  6. Jenn, I will oblige asap and post a pic with this post!

  7. Updated the post with a pic--note the cushioned handle. AND it folds down for easy storage. Woot!

  8. It looks like the wheelie baskets that old ladies tote around Chicago as they walk to the grocery store. :-) Hee hee!!! I'm a rotten friend.

  9. LOL. Actually, Jenn, it IS the wheelie basket that old ladies tote around!
